How to activate the integration with SmartRecruiters?

Activate the integration

Only the admin of the company in SmartRecruiters can activate the integration.

1. In your SmartRecruiters platform, go to ‘Settings / Admin’

2. Go to the 'App & integrations'.
If you don't have access to this section, please contact a SmartRecruiters admin in your organization.


A laptop that shows How to integrate Assessfirst from Smartrecruiters settings as an admin.



3. Find 'AssessFirst' and open the integration. if you don't find 'AssessFirst', please contact so they can allow the integration.

A laptop open describing how see AssessFirst on the interface


4. Click on 'Connect', allow and continue. Now you can enter your AssessFirst credentials

A laptop open with a screen showing how to connect to the AssessFirst credentials


To learn how to use the integration with SmartRecruiters, click here.