How to activate the integration with Workable?

Retrieve Information from Your Workable Account, Activate Integration in AssessFirst, and Then in Workable


1. Retrieve the Subdomain

2. Generate Your API Access

3. Activate Integration in AssessFirst

4. Activate Integration in Workable

1. Retrieve the Subdomain

Go to Settings -> Company -> Company profile and retrieve the subdomain (You will need to paste it during activation in the AssessFirst marketplace).


2. Generate Your API Access

Go to Settings -> Integrations -> App and generate your token by clicking on Generate API token.


In the pop-up that appears, fill in the fields as follows:

  • Name: AssessFirst token
  • Expires in: 2 years
  • API scopes: Select all scopes


Copy the token that will be displayed upon generation.


3. Activate Integration in AssessFirst

From an Administrator account, generate your API token simply by following these steps:

  1. Click on the icon in the top right corner to access your settings and select Integrations.
  2. Click on Workable.
  3. Activate the integration:

  • Paste the token obtained in the previous step (Step 2).
  • Paste the subdomain retrieved in Step 1 (e.g., assessfirst-testing).
  • Enter your language ID:
    • FR: 1
    • EN: 2

4. Activate Integration in Workable

Still in the App section (Settings -> Integration -> App), at the bottom of the page, you will find the AssessFirst integration.

Paste the token you previously obtained during activation in AssessFirst into the Key field.

Then click on Update settings and your integration is now configured.


To learn how to use the integration with Workable, click here.