Manage my invitations (My network)

What is the "my network" tab?
See my pending invitation requests
Who has access to my profile?
How do I invite my friends to complete AssessFirst questionnaires?


What is the "my network" tab?

As a candidate, you can view and manage the companies that have access to your profile and results.

To access this function, click on "My network" at the top right of your screen.



See my pending invitation requests

You will find the companies that have requested access to your profile in the "invitations" section.


Who has access to my profile?

You can see the companies that have access to your profile in the "Companies" section.

You can remove access to these companies by hovering your mouse over the company name and clicking on the recycle bin.


⚠️ Once you delete a company from your network, you can't undo this action. If you wish to reconnect with the same company, the recruiter must send you a new invitation


How do I invite my friends to complete AssessFirst questionnaires?

Candidates can also invite their friends to help them discover their potential and talents.


You cannot invite your recruiter to access your profile, as this will not give them access to your results.