New recruiting campaigns


A new version of recruitment campaigns is here, designed to transform your recruitment experience and optimize your hiring processes.

A redesigned user experience: Managing applications should be simple and intuitive. With our new Kanban-style design, organizing and tracking the progress of your candidates has never been so convenient. This intuitive interface lets you easily move candidates between different stages of the recruitment process, from initial assessment to final hire, ensuring a clear overview and efficient tracking of each campaign. You can, of course, customize these stages to exactly match your recruitment process.

Finally, a new campaign tagging system makes it easier for you to find your way around all your company's campaigns.

Increased collaboration with managers: We know how crucial it is to involve different players in the recruitment process. That's why we've introduced the ability for recruiters to share campaigns directly with Managers Accounts. This new feature enables seamless and efficient collaboration, giving managers direct access to view candidate profiles, and actively participate in the selection process.

Whether you're a small company without an ATS, or you're looking to complement your existing system, this new feature will enable you to make the most of your existing system.

Create a recruitment campaign
Add candidates to a campaign
Edit your recruitment campaigns
Sort and Filter your recruitment campaigns
Delete your recruitment campaigns

Create a recruitment campaign


To create a recruitment campaign, click on the "Recruitment" tab.

Then click on the "Create a campaign" tab. 

Creation is a two-step process:

  1. Enter campaign information, such as the scope, campaign name and manager associated with the campaign.
  2. Fill in the job information for the recruitment campaign, such as the predictive model and the location of the job offer.

    Then click on "Create".

Gif création de campagne


Add candidates to a campaign


To add candidates to your campaign, go to your campaign

Click on the "Add new candidates" button

Select individual candidates or groups of contacts

Click on "Add to campaign"


You can also copy your campaign link if you wish to integrate it into one of your job offers. By clicking on it, your candidates will be able to create their account and will be automatically linked to the campaign.

Gif pour ajouter un candidat

Edit your recruitment campaigns


Easily modify your recruitment campaigns in just two clicks. From the list of your campaigns, click on "Edit", make the necessary adjustments, then save the changes.

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Sort and filter your recruitment campaigns


Explore the new display of recruitment campaigns, offering the option of viewing campaigns as a list or a map. Use filters to sort campaigns by creator, and add tags for more efficient organization.

CF Gif

Delete your recruitment campaigns


To delete a campaign, simply go to your campaign and click on the recycle garbage can.

This action is irreversible: you will not be able to recover a deleted campaign.